GCRI Members Bring Learning and Discovery Through April Vacation Volunteer Events

Out of School TIme YMCA Newport

As part of GCRI’s second April Vacation Volunteer Initiative, volunteer teams from Bank Newport (two sites), Blue Cross & Blue Shield of RI, and Pawtucket Credit Union spent a morning with children in afterschool programs doing fun STEM enrichment activities.

Out of School TIme YMCA Newport

A total of 28 corporate volunteers worked with over 100 children to build gumdrop bridges, “rescue” stuffed animals, launch pompoms and make roller coaster tracks for marbles at the Newport County YMCA (ALC member), Kids Klub North Providence (ALC member), Pawtucket Boys and Girls Club (ALC member) and the Bristol Warren COZ program.

Both the YMCA program and the Kids Klub program received positive newspaper coverage in local newspapers:

Newport Daily News – Bank Newport April Vacation 2017

Valley Breeze — Blue Cross April Vacation 2017