Over 90 Charitable Sector Leaders Join United Philanthropy Forum in Urging Senate Action on Voting Rights

United Philanthropy Forum sent a letter to all 100 Senate offices urging action on voting rights during the final year of the 117th Congress. Joining the Forum as signatories of the letter were over 90 philanthropic and charitable sector leaders from across the country, including 40 Forum members.

Specifically, the letter asks the United States Senate to prioritize passing the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act in 2022. The Forum endorsed the legislation last year and has continued to work with partners like Independent Sector to uplift the issue to the broader sector.

After the Senate failed to act on voting rights last month, the Forum recognized the need to continue to call on legislators to do act on the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement and the critical importance of the measures the bill takes to ensure equity in the voting rights process.

If you have any questions about philanthropy’s work on this issue or the Forum’s commitment to uplifting equitable public policy solutions, please feel free to contact Matthew L. Evans, the Forum’s Senior Director of Public Policy.