Employment Opportunities
Job Search Resources
- The Swearer Center at Brown University offers a RI Community Jobs Listserv, which lists nonprofit/social good jobs, internships and volunteer opportunities in Rhode Island. Subscribe
- Association for Corporate Contributions Professionals Job Postings
- Association of Fundraising Professionals RI Job Postings
- Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship Job Postings
- Bridgespan Job Listings
- Candid Job Listings
- Connecticut Nonprofit Alliance Job Postings
- Idealist.org
- Institute of Nonprofit Practice Job Postings
- Massachusetts Cultural Job Opportunities
- Massachusetts Nonprofit Network Job Postings
- Net Impact jobs newsletter
- Nonprofit Learning Lab — compilation of local and national nonprofit job boards
- Nonprofit Tech Job Postings
- Philanthropy Massachusetts Job Postings
- Guide to Volunteering and Interning Abroad
- Degrees for Greater Good
Job Posting Policy
GCRI Members
As a membership benefit, GCRI members may share job postings through GCRI communications for free, including:
- GCRI website
- GCRI member communications
- GCRI nonprofit newsletters (GCRI Connect (approximately 900 subscribers) and BIPOC Executive Directors List (approximately 100 subscribers)
Non-members may post job opportunities for positions in the philanthropic and nonprofit sectors to be included on the GCRI website and in GCRI’s nonprofit newsletters. If the posting is for a job within the philanthropic sector, it will also be included in GCRI member communication.
GCRI is only able to include a link, not a full description, and requests that a salary range be included in the job description. (For more information about why a salary range helps to build a more equitable sector, we suggest that you read this original and follow up post by Vu Le.)
The non-member cost of posting a job opportunity is $25.
Nonprofit organizations with fewer than 10 paid staff members may post openings for free.